Virtual Robot Interface & Environment

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Virtual Robot > Interface & Environment

The Virtual Robot Interface


Virtual Robot provides a simple to use web based tool for content creation on EA robots like RoboThespian and Socibot.

This page introduces the Virtual Robot interface and working environment and the terminology used.

If you are new to Virtual Robot please start with the Virtual Robot Quickstart - a jargon free quickstart guide to creating and transferring an animation to your robot. Then return here to get a deeper understanding of the interface and the terminology used.

Explore the links at the bottom of the page to create more complex animations, animate multiple robots in sync and learn about Virtual Robot in more depth.

All EA robots are shipped with a basic Virtual Robot account enabled you can access it here, login required.

You may want to open your Virtual Robot in another window while you read these pages.

If you don't know your Virtual Robot login details contact Engineered Arts Ltd

Interface and Environment

The Virtual Robot interface is divided into several sub areas:

  • The Virtual Robot Interface
  1. Menu Bar - file controls, QR Code generator and login details.
  2. Staging area - control and pose RoboThespian using your mouse.
  3. Library - comes packed with pre-installed content for you to drag and drop into the timeline.
  4. Timeline - arrange poses, audio components and speech to create your own robot performance.
  5. Inspector - real-time readouts of actuator data and view key frame data.

Here we provide a detailed guide to how these various elements combine to create an intuitive interface for animating a robot.

Menu Bar

The menu bar is designed to be similar to most desktop applications.

It sits at the top of the page, usually just under your browser's bookmarks or address bar. Throughout the documentation it will be referred to like so: Help > Documentation, that means click on the menu item Help and then the sub-item Documentation, which is probably how you got here.

A major feature under this menu bar is Tools > Preferences which has lots of options for customising how your Virtual Robot looks and behaves.

  • Menu Bar
  • File
    • New - start a new performance
    • OpenFile... open a previous performance (keyboard shortcutL Crtl + O)
    • Save File - save the current performance (keyboard shortcutL Crtl + S)
    • Save As... - save current performance with a different name (i.e. rename)
    • Save Copy As - Save a copy of the current performance
    • Transfer - transfer performances to real robots
  • Edit - Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste
  • Robot - Select the robot model to animate
  • View - Tick / Untick view options:
    • Focus on Double Click - camera focuses on any part of the robot you double click
    • Follow Focused Item - as the item in focus moves, the camera moves with it
    • Lock Camera - locks current view
  • Control - Lock Unselected Inputs - when this option is ticked only the parts of the robot selected in the Animation Toolbox will move
  • Select - Select All, Deselect All, Invert Selection
  • Tools
    • Animation Toolbox - opens the Animation Toolbox
    • Preferences - opens the Preferences window

Staging area

This is the main area where you can view the robot, watch a performance play, or create new poses.

  • The Staging Area
  1. Mirror Eyes Button - Toggle this on/off to control eyes individually or with mirroring function.
  2. Eye Graphics Drop Down Menu - Select animatable or static eye graphics from the list.
  3. Light Colour Selector - Click on the robots Head, Torso, Arms and Legs (they will highlight blue), then click the drop down button.
  4. Lights selector / Colour Cursor - Move this point around to select you desired colour for the selected body part.
  5. Slider - Adjusts the light brightness for the selected body part.
  6. Robot - Click and drag on limbs to move. Click on areas to set colour.


  • Click and drag anywhere in the staging area except on the robot to change the camera angle.
  • Double-click on any part of the robot to focus on that part, (double-click on the background to reset).
  • Use the mouse scroll wheel (or equivalent laptop function) to zoom in and out of your focused item.


  • Click and drag on any part of the robot (limbs, fingers, head, etc) in order to position the robot how you like.
  • Alternative movements are accessible by middle clicking (or holding shift/ctrl whilst clicking) and dragging.

Creating Poses - introduction

  • You can create poses by moving the robot parts (limbs, fingers, head, etc) to the desired position and pressing 'add pose'.
  • The top menu contains some useful options for changing eye animations and body LED colours. For a detailed guide to pose editing, see posing the robot, below.
  • Shortcuts: Double clicking on the head will bring up the Head sequences tab, on an arm will bring up the Pose tab, and on the jaw will open the Speech tab.


  • The Library

The Library section of Virtual Robot is a place for any clips which a Project requires, or has available. To add ANY type of Library item, to the timeline, you can simply drag and drop from the list in the Library to any time in the timeline.


Short pre-created animation content which you can drag onto the timeline to view. Includes useful gestrures like "point left", "point right", "Wave right" etc. This will likely be changing in the future.


Head gestures e.g. "Head Nod" and movements e.g. "Head Left"


Eye expressions e.g. "Angry Eyes", movements e.g. "Eyes Right" and "Blink"


Basic cheek colours for the face e.g. "Cheeks Red".

Note that any colour can also be selected from the Lights selector / Colour Cursor (item 4. in Staging area section above)


Library of any sound files you have uploaded.

Drag sound files from your desktop or file-browser onto the list to upload.

Almost all audio file types should be supported. If you have the file available in a 'lossless' format (e.g. flac/alac) we recommend using that for best results. Otherwise upload whatever file you have access to. Encode the file as few times as possible! Virtual Robot encodes the file to .ogg format when it's uploaded.

To remove an audio file from the library, either select it with your mouse and press the delete key on your keyboard; or click the red X next to the audio file.

Note removing audio from the library removes it from Virtual Robot completely - it removes it from sequences as well.


The 'Speech' section contains any text-to-speech content used (or available) to the current Project.

From this pane you can create new text-to-speech clips, by typing in the large box.

You can add this speech to the end of your timeline by pressing the 'Append' button.

You can also add the speech at the location of the Timeline marker using the 'Add at Marker' button.

There are various options for adjusting the sound of the speech, Language, Voice, and 'Mood' are all available as drop-downs above the textbox.

Volume, Speed, and Shaping can be fine-tuned by you however you like, the Speed option is especially useful for tweaking speech to music or existing animation (but don't forget that the normal setting is in the middle of the bar).

In the list you can organise your Speech into folders. Use the Delete key to delete anything you no longer want to use.

Deselect any Speech items to reset the form to it's default values.

Text to speech input. Key below:

  • The Speech Tab
  1. Language
  2. Voice selection (number of voices available depends upon language).
  3. Voice style - some voices (especially US English) have optional speech modulations, eg mood, age, character.
  4. Text input - enter your desired speech here, and press 'Add Speech' at the bottom right to insert into the timeline.
  5. Volume - adjust the volume of the tts component.
  6. Speed - adjust the speed.
  7. Shaping - how much inflection is given to the tts component.
  8. Lypsync Gain - Control the range of motion for the jaw
  9. Append & Add at Marker - Add tts component to the speech track.
  10. Hide or Expand the Library Area - click on the white section to Hide or Expand the Library Area

Like the pre-composed elements, tts segments will reflect their true length when dropped into the timeline, however it may take a few moments for the engine to calculate the length.


The timeline lets you view, play and edit complete routines for the Virtual (and real!) robots.

  • The Timeline Menu
  • The Timeline Tracks
  • The Animation Toolbox
  1. Animation Toolbox - Open/Close the floating animation toolbox
  2. Copy and Paste - Select an item to copy, and paste at current marker position
  3. Green Timeline Marker & Marker Time display - move the timeline marker by dragging the rectangle at the top
  4. Undo / Redo (Unlimited - currently only works for toolbox actions)
  5. Item Mode / Frames Mode (Current mode highlighted in orange. Each mode offers different ways to edit)
  6. Play/Pause & Restart your performance. Restart plays from the beginning
  7. Reset - Resets the virtual robot to a default start pose
  8. Minimise Timeline area
  9. Scrollbar - Drag to navigate the timeline (Dragging the ends will compress or extend the timeline)
  10. Current time in seconds of green marker position
  11. Track Type & Names
  12. Individual Track Show/Hide Toggles
  13. Motion, Audio, Speech, and Lipsync Tracks (Item edit mode with keys toggled to SHOW, audio and TTS showing file names)
  14. Motion, Audio, Speech, and Lipsync Tracks (Item edit mode with keys toggled to HIDE, audio and TTS showing wave forms and linear interpolation between keys)
  15. Motion Track (with Keyframe Edit Mode #5 toggled on)
  16. Animation Toolbox (individual buttons described in Animation Toolbox )

Adding Pre-Made Content

Drag Library elements into the timeline area where you wish to insert them. You can drag elements to reorder them.

Audio files such as your own mp3 files can be dragged directly into the timeline from your computer's desktop or file system.

Audio files can also be added from the audio tab in the library.

Text to Speech (tts) items are created at the markers current position or appended to the last one in the timeline if it exists.

A lipsync data item is automatically created and is linked to the tts items.

NOTE: If a tts item is deleted, the linked lipsync data item will remain and will also need to be deleted if not required.

Making Pre-Made Content Editable (and Playable) on Real Robot

Currently library elements are a reference to a sequence on the real robot. However not all robots will have the sequence installed on the robot.

To ensure Library elements play on all real robots they must be made editable. This converts them from a reference to a sequence of actual outputs that will play on any robot.

If an item in the timeline is pink it is not editable and might not work on your robot. Press the E key to make them editable.

  • Library elements pink = references (might not play on real robot)
  • Library elements blue = editable (will play on real robot)

Step by step:

  1. Click on any timeline clip to enter clip selection mode.
  2. Press Ctrl + A or go to Select > Select All.
  3. Press the E key.
  4. All pink items should turn blue to show they are editable.
  5. Be sure to save the performance.

Preferences: Make all library items editable

Click Tools (1) then Preferences (2) to open Preferences window (3)

  • Open Preferences Window from Tools menu
  • Preferences Window Tick "Added Library Items are Editable"

In the preferences window click Timeline (5) then make sure "Added Library Items are Editable" is ticked (6)

Use the X (4) in the top right of the Preferences window to close it again

Animation Toolbox

The animation toolbox provides a selection of tools (upper row) and body part filters (lower row). its a floating toolbox, so can be moved around the browser and placed anywhere you like.

Tools are ordered from Left to Right.

Keyboard short cuts for each button display when hovering the mouse over the button.

Top row buttons are general animation controls.

The bottom row buttons select or deselect hardware outputs specific to each robot. They are toggle buttons. If you wish to only add or remove keys for the body, then only toggle the body selection, and so on. This is useful for creating animation in passes or for isolating problems with movement.

Click on a bottom row button to select - it will be highlighted with background colour (see last image below).

The toolbox features are robot specific, but similar:


  1. Add Key Pose - Adds current robot pose at current marker position based on filter selection.
  2. Interpolation Type - Chose between Stepped/Linear/Spline interpolation types.
  3. Apply Interpolation - Apply the selected interpolation to the currently selected timeline item.
  4. Remove Key Pose - Removes the key pose at current marker position based on body row selection.
  5. Remove All Key Poses - Removes all keys poses in selected timeline item based on filter selection.
  6. Add single Input - Create an input to trigger external devices, such as a sequence on another robot.
  7. Slice - Slice selected item at current marker position.
  8. Weld - Weld selected item at current marker position.
  9. X - Close Animation Toolbar
  10. Select All/None - toggle all possible inputs on or off
  11. Head - toggle head inputs
  12. Face - toggle face ("guise") inputs - Robots with projected face only
  13. Eyes - toggle eye inputs
  14. Body - toggle body (torso) inputs
  15. Right Arm - toggle right arm inputs
  16. Left Arm - toggle left arm inputs
  17. Hands - toggle hand and finger inputs
  18. Lights - toggle cheek and body lighting inputs
  19. Add single Input - Create an input to trigger external devices, such as a sequence on another robot.

Item Selection

Items on the timeline (motion data, audio & TTS clips) can be selected by LMB clicking on them. Whilst an item is selected, holding LMB and dragging left and right, allows an item to be moved. Multiple items can be selected and manipulated by LMB clicking to select, holding CTRL to add to selection, and holding CTRL + SHIFT to add range in a single track.

Interpolation Types

Individual frames are distinguished by a fine coloured grating within the timeline element. They are not necessarily evenly spaced, as they correspond to event times rather than clock cycles or animation frames. The type of interpolation between them is represented by either a blank space for stepped and a faded but constant grating for linear.

  • Stepped Interpolation

Stepped interpolation (blank space between key poses) means the key pose value remains unchanged until the marker plays the next value along the timeline. This will result in a jumpy playback effect but serves well when planning out key poses.

  • Linear Intrerpolation

Linear interpolation (faded grated colours) means the values from one key pose to the next is averaged out over the time between them. The result is an smooth movement between key poses with an equal spacing between each frame.

Linear interpolation updates automatically when adding key poses between existing keys poses. You can also change the interpolation type, by selecting the element you wish to change, then selecting the interpolation type you require from the animation toolbox drop down list, and clicking the interpolate button next to the drop down list.


The right slideable window gives a list of all hardware outputs. You may want to directly control these outputs for more accurate poses.

  • Click and drag on an output name to change the value.
  • Click on the value itself to type a new one.

You will be able to see how changing these values alters the pose of the robot as you do it. And vice-versa you can see how moving the robot changes the values.

White outputs are selected and will be saved to the timeline when creating animation keyframes. It is often useful to have a minimal number of these selected when animating, to help you create smoother motions. See the Tips page for more animation help!

Robot Inputs - SociBot

SociBot Inputs are split into the following categories/body-parts. These will be visible in the Animation Toolbox. And in the Inspector.

  • Face
  • Eyes
  • Head

Posing RoboThespian

Most robot elements can be controlled with the mouse alone. The following is a list of parts, their controllable aspects or axes, and how to move each one.

Robot Part Controllable feature How to edit
Eyes Iris position Mouse: left click anywhere in the eyeball and hold the button down to drag the eyes to an appropriate position.
Eyes Pupil size Mouse+ctrl: left click on the iris or pupil while holding down the ctrl key on your keyboard. Dragging the mouse will increase or decrease pupil size.
Eyes Graphics A drop-down menu on the upper left of the pose screen lists graphical display options for the eyes. Be warned that not all of these will animate or have editable features.
Eyelids Vertical position Mouse: left click on the upper or lower eyelid and drag to position.
Eyelids Tilt Mouse+ctrl: left click on the upper or lower eyelid while holding down the ctrl key on your keyboard. Dragging the mouse will tilt the robot's eyelids up or down.
Eyes + Eyelids Simultaneous editing To the left of the dropdown graphics menu, there is a 'mirror eyes' toggle. This is on by default, and means that edits to one eye will be reflected in the other. To change an individual eye or eyelid, without affecting the other, toggle this option off.
Head Yaw and pitch position Mouse: left click and drag with the mouse to control yaw and pitch of the head. Lateral (x) mouse position controls yaw, vertical (y) controls the pitch.
Head Roll position Mouse+ctrl: left click on the head while holding down the ctrl key on your keyboard to edit the head rotation about the roll axis only. The other axes will be disabled when ctrl is held.
Head Jaw Mouse: Left click and drag the mouse to open or close the robot's jaw. This is a binary mode (open/closed) without interim positioning.
Head Face LEDs Drop-down colour menu/brightness slider: Click briefly on the head (it should flash blue to indicate it is selected). Using the drop down colour map on the upper menu bar, and the brightness slider tool, you can control the LED output for the robot cheeks.
Upper arm/shoulder Yaw and pitch position Mouse: left click on the upper arm or shoulder joint and drag to rotate the arm yaw or pitch. Lateral (x) mouse position controls the yaw (abduction/adduction of the arm), vertical (y) mouse position controls the pitch (raising or lowering the joint). For best and most precise results, use the shoulder joint for pitch control and the centre of the joint (around the bicep) for yaw control. Note that controlling yaw from the shoulder can cause overlap difficulties with body roll angle.
Upper arm/shoulder Roll position Mouse+ctrl: left click on the upper arm while holding down the ctrl key to control arm roll (pronation/supination).
Upper arm Arm LEDs Drop-down colour menu/brightness slider: Click briefly on the arm (it should flash blue to indicate it is selected). Using the drop down colour map on the upper menu bar, and the brightness slider tool, you can control the LED output for the arms separately.
Elbow Pitch position Mouse: left click on the forearm and drag along the vertical axis to control elbow pitch. Note that the elbow has only one true degree of freedom, however you can control the roll axis of the wrist (see Wrist/Roll) and the yaw axis of the shoulder from the forearm.
Wrist Roll position Mouse+ctrl: left click on the forearm or hand to control the roll axis of the wrist/hand.
Hand Pitch position Mouse: left click on the hand to control wrist pitch. Note that there is no yaw degree of freedom in the wrist on this RoboThespian model - lateral and vertical mouse movement both control wrist pitch only. Depending on the overall body pose, it may be more advantageous to switch between vertical or lateral motion to achieve the full sensitivity and precision.
Hand Finger flexion Mouse: Click on a finger to flex or extend it. Each finger has only one degree of freedom with two possible positions (fully extended or fully curved).
Torso Roll and pitch position Mouse: left clicking on the torso and dragging the mouse will change the pitch and roll of the robot torso. Lateral (x) mouse position controls the roll, vertical (y) mouse position controls the pitch. Note that these controls are sensitive to the yaw position of the upper body and for best results, rotate the camera frame so the robot is facing you.
Torso Yaw position Mouse+ctrl: left click on the torso while holding down the ctrl key to control yaw rotation of the upper body.
Torso Body LEDs Drop-down colour menu/brightness slider: Click briefly on the torso (it should flash blue to indicate it is selected). Using the drop down colour map on the upper menu bar, and the brightness slider tool, you can control the LED output for the torso.
Legs Pelvis LEDs Drop-down colour menu/brightness slider: Click briefly on the legs (they should flash blue to indicate they are selected). Using the drop down colour map on the upper menu bar, and the brightness slider tool, you can control the LED output for the pelvis.

Posing SociBot

SociBot has 3 axes of movement in the head. To move them:

  • Head Yaw (Turn) and Pitch (Nod): Left Click and drag on the head shell.
  • Head Roll (Tilt): Alternate Click* and drag on the head shell.

Alternate click = Middle click or Shift + Left click or Ctrl + Left click

As with all robots with projector based faces SociBots have InYaFace support. See the InYaFace page for more information.

Creating a simple animation

If you are completely new to Virtual Robot please start with the Virtual Robot Quickstart - a jargon free quickstart guide to creating and transferring an animation to your robot. Then return here to get a deeper understanding of the interface and the terminology used.

Transferring animation to your robot

Once you have created a new performance on Virtual Robot, you will want to see it working on a real robot. It's easy to transfer to your robot, even if the robot is in a different part of the world. Please see Virtual Robot - Transferring Content

Further Documentation and Tutorials

Now that you are familiar with the Virtual Robot Interface and Environment, and have been through the Quickstart learn in more detail:

Ongoing Development and New Features

New features are being added to Virtual Robot all the time to offer increased functionality or improved ease of use.

As Virtual Robot is a web based tool these improvements are made available to you in real time without the need to install any updates.

Please see Virtual Robot - What's New


If Virtual Robot is not behaving as expected, or you experience any errors please see Virtual Robot Troubleshooting